Online, September  11 - 22

Digital Transformation

Bootcamp in digital transformation for SMEs to develop and implement new digital products and services.


Bootcamp Mentors

Krists Avots

Course Facilitator

Advisor of Digital Transformation at LMT and Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development. Krists facilitates around 200 people-strong digital teams. Passionate about maximizing the learning curve to turn technology solutions into viable business models as well as driving in-depth change & transformation processes. Krists also serves on the board of Overkill Ventures VC fund, lectures at Riga Business School and Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and holds an MA in Digital management from Hyper Island.

Agnese Lubgane

Course Facilitator

Digital Transformation Program Manager at Tet. Agnese has over 10 years of experience in digital transformation project and program management. Experienced in leading international teams and projects with many stakeholders. She has a background in economics and business, having earned a BSc from Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and a Process Design and Facilitation certification from Hyper Island.

Jelena Solovjova

Course Instructor

Design thinker and UX/UI Team Leader at Tet. Jelena leads and implements service design projects and customer experience research, as well as develops and leads design thinking and service design lectures and training. Jelena actively participates in the development of the Latvian design industry and educates the public, working as a publicist and design critic, and acting as an active member of the "UI UX Riga" community. Jelena holds a design degree from the Riga Technical University.

Madara Zelcane

Course Instructor

Design Lead at Tet. Madara leads a team of UX designers and oversees design-related projects for Tet. Madara is an experienced industry expert, whose knowledge and work experience she gained working in both the local and international market, where she has helped develop and launch digital products for clients across various industries. Madara holds a degree from the Art Academy of Latvia and is a strong advocate for design education and mentorship.

What will you learn?


Learn how to create digital transformation projects and methodology, even with limited resources

Discover how to practically implement digital transformation projects while keeping up with competition

Master the skills to manage change in a team and speed up the processes


Gain knowledge of industry examples and emerging technologies to identify future opportunities

Apply the right techniques to fully map and optimize your processes for maximum efficiency and effectiveness

Develop a digital transformation strategy tailored to the company's needs and goals

Course curriculum

Onboarding: understanding why to digitalize

  • ABCs of Digital Transformation: Learn the basics of digital transformation, including the role of technology, people, and processes in driving change.
  • Industry Examples: Explore case studies and examples from different industries to gain insights into how other companies have successfully transformed their businesses.
  • Mapping Future Opportunities: Identify and evaluate future opportunities for digital transformation based on emerging technologies and market trends in your industry.

Service design: understanding what to digitalize

  • Service Design: Understand the principles of service design and how it can be used to improve your customer experience.
  • Creating and Mapping Customer Stories: Learn how to create and map customer stories to gain insights into the perfect customer journey and identify areas for improvement.
  • Setting Goals: Develop actionable goals for improving the customer experience based on customer stories and other qualitative and quantitative data.

Implementation roadmap: understanding how to digitalize

  • Way of working: Understand the different types of digital implementation strategies, available tools and what to keep in mind.
  • Change Management: Learn about the importance of change management in digital transformation and how to navigate resistance to change.
  • Implementation Plan: Develop a implementation plan that includes timelines, budgets, and resource allocation to ensure a successful digital transformation.

Who is this
course for?

This bootcamp is designed for SMEs that are seeking to stay ahed of the competition and start their digital transformation journey.

Product lead

Learn how to develop and implement new products using digital tools to stay ahead of the competition

C-level executives

Streamline and optimize existing products and services to improve operational efficiency and boost revenue

Business development lead

Start and implement innovation projects using digital tools to drive growth and stay ahead in the market

Sales lead

Increase the value of existing products by leveraging digital tools to enhance customer experience.

What to expect
from this course?

Digital Transformation bootcamps goal is to enable participants to implement a change initiative in their company. We will equip you with the necessary tools and support you with various learning practices.


Learn the essentials of digital transformation theory and how to apply it to your company, even with limited resources


Connect with our community through Slack, where you can network and receive continuous learning support


Receive personalized guidance from our experienced instructors, tailored to your specific needs and goals

Industry examples

Get inspired by real-world examples of successful digital transformation, and learn how to apply these principles


Reinforce your knowledge through workshops and learn how to optimize your processes

Access to course materials

Gain access to the resources and theory used in the course, as well as recordings of online sessions for future reference.

Full, 100% Financial support from Digital Accelerator of Latvia

We are proud to announce that SMEs who apply for the Digital Accelerator of Latvia support will have their courses 100% covered if they choose Helve as their preferred training provider.

Support information

Start learning now

Digital transformation bootcamp

September 11 - 22, 2023, Online

for this course by May 26.
100% free with support from Digital Accelerator of Latvia



Data Science & Machine Learning

October - November, 2023, Online

for this course by July 1.
100% free with support from Digital Accelerator of Latvia



*Helve is the official partner of the Digital Accelerator of Latvia. We are proud to announce that SMEs who apply for the Digital Accelerator of Latvia support will have their courses 100% covered.